Western's Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Directory


We're excited to work with you! Western’s work integrated learning (WIL) programs are offered in over 45 different areas and we have dedicated staff members to help you find the right fit, and assist with posting, interviewing, and more!

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) at Western is comprised of 3 different formats:

  • Internship
  • Co-op
  • Practicum

Quick View of Our Offerings Post Your Opportunity

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Arts & Humanities Internship

Faculty: Arts & Humanities

Length: 4 months (0.5 credit) and 8 months (1.0 credit). Students typically work 10 hours per week over the course of one term (minimum 120 hours, 0.5 credit) or two terms (minimum 240 hours, two 0.5 credits) during the academic year.

Location: Unrestricted

Paid or unpaid: Both

Commitment: 120 hours minimum over 4 months (full- or part-time available)

Start date/End date: Summer term (May to August); Fall term (September to December); or Winter term (January to April).

Contact: ahintern@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/arts/internships/index.html


The Arts and Humanities Internship Program (AHIP) gives 3rd and 4th year students an opportunity to gain paid or unpaid, career-related experience within an approved institution or industry related to their module for course credit. Internship placement opportunities may be available in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in the Fall, Winter, and/or Summer term. The total number of placements per year will vary based on the individual needs of participating employers.

School for Advanced Studies in the Arts & Humanities Internship

Faculty: Arts & Humanities

Length: Variable, from 6 weeks to 8 months, depending on the type of work experience and the number of hours per week students are expected to commit to the placement/project.

Location: Unrestricted

Commitment: 120 hours for 0.5 credit; 240 hours for 1.0 credit

Start date/End date: Summer term (May to August); Fall term (September to December); or Winter term (January to April).

Contact: Barbara Bruce bbruce2@uwo.ca

Website:  https://www.uwo.ca/arts/sasah/program/experiential/index.html 


SASAH requires students to complete a 1.0 Experiential Learning (EL) credit by the end of their fourth year. EL opportunities may be situated in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors and can be paid or unpaid.

Faculty of Education

Bachelor of Education Practicum

Faculty: Education

Length: Four teaching practice blocks, one block in each of the four program terms

Year One: four weeks in Term 1 and four weeks in Term 2

Year Two: six weeks in Term 1 and six weeks in Term 2

Paid or unpaid: Associate Teachers are paid a per diem of $8 per day

Length: 4 to 6 weeks, varies by term

Contact: Joanne Lombardi, Practicum & Community Engagement Coordinator | 519-661-2111 ext. 81158 | jplombar@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.edu.uwo.ca/CSW/my_program/BEd/practicum.html

Description: Practicum provides Teacher Candidates the opportunity to observe good teaching, to experience the wide variety of expectations school professionals must meet and to apply their learning in a classroom. Practicum must be completed in an Ontario public or Catholic school and meet all Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) licensing requirements.

Practicum placements are arranged by the Teacher Education Office.

Bachelor of Education Internships (Alternative Field Experiences)

Faculty: Education

Length: Two Alternative Field Experience (AFE) blocks, one in each term of Year 2

Year Two: three weeks in Term 1 and four weeks in Term 2

Paid or Unpaid: Unpaid

Length: 3- 4 weeks, varies by term

Contact: Katie Mentone, Program Coordinator | 519-661-2111 ext. 80518 | kmentone@uwo.ca

Website: https://theteachercandidate.com/afe-hosts/

Description: All Teacher Candidates complete two full-time AFEs before graduation. They’re encouraged to try something different – AFE does not have to be completed in a traditional classroom.

Teacher candidates are responsible for securing their own AFE and submitting a Proposal to the Teacher Education Office for review and approval.

Faculty of Engineering

Long-Term Co-op Program

Faculty: Engineering

Length: 8, 12, and 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Fulltime

Start date/End date: Positions can start anytime between May and September

Contact: Engineering Career Services | 519-661-2111 x88359 | wecareer@uwo.ca

Website: http://www.eng.uwo.ca/coop/employers/index.html

Description: In the Long-Term Co-op Program, students spend up to 16 consecutive months working in a paid engineering position prior to the last year of their Bachelor of Engineering Science (BESc) program. The Long-Term Co-op Program provides a longer work term and more extensive experience than a summer co-op, which ensures that students are able to work on advanced projects, seeing them through from beginning to end.

Program includes all undergraduate engineering programs – Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer/Software, Integrated, Mechatronic Systems, Chemical, and Biomedical Engineering.

Summer Co-op Program

Faculty: Engineering

Length: 10 weeks to 4 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 35 hours per week

Start date/End date: May/August

Contact: Engineering Career Services | 519-661-2111 x88359 | wecareer@uwo.ca

Website: http://www.eng.uwo.ca/coop/employers/index.html

Description: The Summer Co-op Program is a four-month, May - August, paid work experience program. It is designed to assist students in finding quality degree-related summer employment, providing an opportunity to gain valuable engineering experience.

Areas of Study:

  • Civil
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Computer
  • Software
  • Integrated
  • Mechatronic Systems
  • Chemical
  • Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • Biomedical

Master of Engineering Co-op Program

Faculty: Engineering

Length: 4 or 8 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 35 hours per week

Start date/End date: Fall (September - December or September - April), Winter (January - April or January - August), Summer (May - August or May - December) 

Contact: Engineering Career Services | 519-661-2111 x88359 wecareer@uwo.ca

Website: http://www.eng.uwo.ca/coop/employers/index.html

Description: The M.Eng program is structured to assist qualified engineers in the advancement of their professional careers and to provide students with the skills necessary to address key technological challenges. All students in the M.Eng program have a bachelor’s degree in engineering or other related discipline from an accredited university in Canada or elsewhere.

The M.Eng Co-op Program provides students the opportunity to work in a professional setting to advance their practical experience relevant to their academic field.

Areas of Study:

  • Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (CBE) MEng Program
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) MEng Program
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) MEng Program
  • Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) MEng Program

School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Graduate Student Internship Program

Faculty: School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and Careers & Experience

Length: 4, 8, or 12 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Full-time (30 - 44 hrs/week)

Start Date/End Date: September, January, or May / Year-round

Contact: hirewesternu@uwo.ca

Website: http://grad.uwo.ca/internship

Description: The Graduate Student Internship Program is designed to provide meaningful, paid work opportunities for master and doctoral students to apply their discipline specific theory with practice and expand their professional portfolios while contributing to the needs of the industry partner. In this program, masters and doctoral students from research-orientated degree programs will participate in 4-, 8-, or 12- month long, paid, full- time internships with public, private, or not-for-profit employers. Graduate students participating in the program must have completed their course work (master’s students) or their comprehensive exam or equivalent (doctoral students).

Faculty of Health Sciences

School of Health Studies

Health Studies Practicum

Length: 4 months

Paid or unpaid: Unpaid

Commitment: 6-8 hours/week; minimum of 75 hours/term for 0.5 credit

Start date/End date: Fall (September - December), Winter (January - April)

Contact: experiencefhs@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/shs/undergraduate/prac_ind.html

Description: Students must be in their 4 th year of Honours Specialization Health Studies with a 75% cumulative average

The practicum course in the School of Health Studies allows students to put into practice their knowledge of health and health care by working with a community partner. A variety of practicum placements are available for students to enhance their learning and gain practical experience. Placements may be available in (but not limited to) the following areas: senior exercise and lifestyle, physical activity and rehabilitation, health policy, health promotion, health equity, nutrition, and mental health and wellness.

Rehabilitation Sciences Practicum

Length: 8 months

Paid or unpaid: Unpaid

Commitment: 6-8 hours/week

Start date/End date: September - April

Contact: Dr. Dalton Wolfe dalton.wolfe@sjhc.london.on.ca

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/shs/undergraduate/prac_ind.html

Description: Students must be in their 4 th year of Honours Specialization Health Studies with a 75% cumulative average; preference is given to students enrolled in the Honours Specialization in Rehabilitation Sciences.

This experiential learning course offers an in-depth examination of the required background, concepts and practical considerations related to a series of rehabilitation practices selected to expose the student to a broad range of activities over several patient populations and associated with a variety of health care disciplines.

Health Studies Internship

Length: 8, 12, or 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 35 - 40 hours/week

Start date/End date: Varies

Contact: experiencefhs@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/policies/internship.html

Description: Completion of 2 nd year in the School of Health Studies with a minimum average of 70%

Students will participate in a placement in an area broadly related to the field of Health Studies. The internship is application based and must be approved by the School of Health Studies. A Learning Contract, Reflection assignments, and Supervisor Evaluation are required components of the course.

School of Kinesiology

Kinesiology Practicum

Length: 4 months

Paid or unpaid: Unpaid

Commitment: 6-8 hours/week; minimum of 75 hours/term for 0.5 credit

Start date/End date: Fall (September - December) Winter (January - April)

Contact: experiencefhs@uwo.ca


Description: Students must be in their 4 th year of Honours Specialization Kinesiology with a 70% modular average.

The practicum course in the School of Kinesiology allows students to put into practice their knowledge by working with a community partner. A variety of practicum placements are available for students to enhance their learning and gain practical experience. Placements may be available in (but not limited to) the following areas: senior exercise and lifestyle, physical activity and fitness, athlete coaching and rehabilitation, allied health, recreation, nutrition, and mental health and wellness.

Practicum in Clinical Kinesiology

Length: 8 months

Paid or unpaid: Unpaid

Commitment: 6-8 hours/week

Start date/End date: September - April

Contact: Michael Robinson  experiencefhs@uwo.ca


Description: Enrolled in the 4 th year of the Clinical Kinesiology module.

This course is intended to provide students with a ‘hands-on’ learning experience in the very important and growing field of Professional Kinesiology. Having been introduced to Professional Kinesiology practice in their course work (e.g., kinesiology in Ontario healthcare, ethics/privacy, program models, clinical assessment, exercise prescription, note taking) students will have the opportunity to turn theory into practice in this exciting 8-month clinical placement opportunity. Placements will occur mostly in hospital- and community-based chronic disease prevention and management programs but other contexts (e.g., sport or performance-based opportunities) are possible as well. Students will develop and refine clinical and non-clinical skills that fall within a Registered Kinesiologist’s Scope of Practice throughout their placement (see The College of Kinesiologists of Ontario’s Scope of Practice under ‘Standards and Resources’ at www.coko.ca).

Practicum in Sport Management

Length: 4 months

Paid or unpaid: Unpaid

Commitment: 6-8 hours/week, minimum of 75 hours/term for 0.5 credit

Start date/End date: Winter (January - April)

Contact: experiencefhs@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/kin/undergrad/programs/ba_sp_mgmt.html


The Sport Management Practicum provides an opportunity for students to: observe and practice sport management processes and skills; understand the value of management theory in addressing sport management issues in the field; gain basic competencies in the practical use of micro-computers; and, satisfy individual objectives and interests in the area of sport management.

Field Experiences in Athletic Injuries

Length: 8 months, individual commitments vary by sport and team

Paid or unpaid: Unpaid

Start date/End date: September - April

Contact: Dave Humphreys dhumphr4@uwo.ca


This course is intended to provide the student with a hand’s on learning environment. Students will become the student trainer for an assigned varsity athletic team. Students will be responsible for all of the pre and post-practice care of the athletes on their team such as taping, stretching and injury assessment. During the practice and game periods, students will be directly responsible for the on-field acute care of these athletes. Class time will be spent refining acute injury management skills, acute injury assessment skills as well as some basic rehabilitation skills. These will be taught through both lecture and hands-on learning. The student trainers will also have the opportunity to spend time volunteering in the Fowler /Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic. It should be understood that the practicum is in effect for the full academic year and, although responsibilities with a team will cease prior to the completion of the academic year, the student will be required to attend classes and to lend service when or as necessary. As a student trainer, students will be required to attend all practices and games. Students will receive the same considerations as any member of the team during away games.

Kinesiology Internship

Length: 8, 12, or 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 35-40 hours/week

Start date/End date: Varies

Contact: experiencefhs@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/policies/internship.html

Description: Completion of 2 nd year in the School of Kinesiology with a minimum average of 70%.

Students will participate in a placement in an area broadly related to the field of Kinesiology. The internship is application based and must be approved by the School of Kinesiology. A Learning Contract, Reflection assignments, and Supervisor Evaluation are required components of the course.

Huron University College

Management & Organizational Studies Internship Program

Faculty: Huron University College

Length: 8 - 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Minimum 8 months

Start date/End date: Start between May and December, must return to school the following September

Contact: Megan Dykstra, Manager, Career Development | Phone: 519.438.7224 x852 | Email: megan.dykstra@huron.uwo.ca

Website: https://huronatwestern.ca/career-development/mos-internships

Description: The MOS Internship Program offers students an opportunity to gain practical 8 to 16 months of industry working experience between their third and fourth years of the MOS program.

Faculty of Information & Media Studies

Master of Library and Information Science

Faculty: Information and Media Studies

Length: 4 - 8 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Full-time

Start date/End date: 3 terms per year: January – April, May – August, September - December

Contact: Rudra Seegobin, Co-op and Internship Assistant | Phone: 519-661-2111 x88468 | email: fims-coop@uwo.ca

Website: http://www.fims.uwo.ca/programs/graduate_programs/master_of_library_and_information_science/coop.html

Description: The MLIS Co-op program, begun in 1979, formally integrates a student's academic study with paid work experience. Students are exposed to the professional environment, and have the opportunity to use and develop newly acquired skills, and gain practical experience which will contribute to their training as professionals.

Master of Media in Journalism and Communications

Faculty: Information and Media Studies

Length: 10 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Both

Commitment: Full-time

Start date/End date: May - July

Contact: Rudra Seegobin, Co-op and Internship Assistant | Phone: 519-661-2111 x88468 | email: fims-coop@uwo.ca

Website: http://www.fims.uwo.ca/programs/graduate_programs/master_of_media_in_journalism_communication/internship_final_project.html

Description: This real-world phase of the program will give students the opportunity to gain sustained practical experience applying what they have learned in a journalistic or communications setting. While on the placement, there will be an instructor guiding the students, and helping them reflect on their professional experience. Being this instruction happens online, student placements could be anywhere in Canada or indeed, the world.

Media and Communication Studies Internship Program

Faculty: Information and Media Studies

Length: Minimum of 120 placement hours over 4-month term in Fall, Winter, or Summer.

Paid or unpaid: Both options available

Commitment: Between 10 and 35 hours per week, depending on placement arrangements

Start date/End date: Fall (September - December), Winter (January - April), Summer (Various)

Contact: macs@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.fims.uwo.ca/programs/undergraduate_programs/experience_more_be_more/internships.html


The Faculty of Information and Media Studies offers students an Internship Module and a Short-Term Internship option. The module includes three parts: A 2000-level experiential learning and career education course followed by a 3000-level internship course that is tied to a 3000-level placement term that includes a 120-hour (minimum) internship placement experience with an industry partner. The Short-Term Internship offers course credit for completing a 140-hour placement.  


Ivey Business School

HBA Summer Internship Program

Faculty: Ivey Business School

Length: Flexible - up to 4 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Flexible - Full time or Part time

Start date/End date: Flexible - most internships run from May - August

Contact: recruit@ivey.ca

Website: www.ivey.ca/recruiter

Description: Ivey HBA students are available for summer internship opportunities that occur between May - August.

HBA Long Term Internship Program

Faculty: Ivey Business School

Length: 8, 12, and 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Full time

Start date/End date: Varies - Positions can start in May, September, and January

Contact: recruit@ivey.ca

Website: www.ivey.ca/recruiter

Description: In the long-term internship program, students spend up to 16 consecutive months working in a paid internship role. This program provides a longer work term and more extensive experience than a summer internship which ensures that students can work on advanced projects, seeing them through from beginning to end.

MSc Summer Internship Program

Faculty: Ivey Business School

Length: 10-16 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Full time in an analytical and data driven role

Start date/End date: May - August

Contact: recruit@ivey.ca

Website: www.ivey.ca/recruiter

Description: Previous roles students have entered include but are not limited to: Business Analyst, Pricing Analyst, Risk Management intern, Data Analyst, and more. As students with quantitative backgrounds, they are able to apply the skills learned in their courses including data visualization, dashboard creation, customer segmentation, market insights, fraud detection, and more.

King's University College

Interdisciplinary Studies Internship in the Arts & Humanities OR in the Social Sciences

Faculty: King's University College

Length: 4 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 4 months

Start date/End date: May - August

Contact: ThePromise@kings.uwo.ca 

Description: This is a four-month summer internship opportunity.

Management & Organizational Studies Internship Program

Faculty: King's University College

Length: 8 - 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Minimum 8 months

Start date/End date: Start between May and December, must return to school the following September

Contact: Lydia Li | Phone: 519-433-3491 | Email: Lydia.Li@kings.uwo.ca

Website: https://www.kings.uwo.ca/academics/school-of-management-economics-and-mathematics/management-bmos/internship-program/

Description: The MOS Internship Program offers students an opportunity to gain practical 8 to 16 months of industry working experience between their third and fourth years of the MOS program.

Faculty of Law

Western Law Internship Program

Faculty: Law

Length: 10-12 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Fulltime

Start date/End date: May / August


Valerie Oosterveld | Phone: 519-661-2111 x80037 | email: vooster@uwo.ca

Andrea Streufert | Phone: 519-661-3831 | email: astreufe@uwo.ca

Description: The ISLIP provides students with the opportunity to expand their knowledge of international and comparative law, from the theoretical to the practical level, and to contribute to a better understanding of Canada’s place within the global framework. Through the generosity of various donors and the Faculty of Law, the program provides financial support towards the ISLIP placements.

By interning with government departments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and private industries, our students broaden their understanding of different legal systems, strengthen their legal skills and gain insight into the application of law that remains valuable through their careers.

Faculty of Science

Science Co-op Program

Length: 4, 8, 12 and 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Fulltime

Program: Open to 2nd-year (summer only) and 3rd-year (year-round) students in all undergraduate Science and Basic Medical Science programs.

Start date: Postitions can start in May, September, or January.

International Student Eligibility: Yes

Contact: Dorota Oliveira

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/sci/undergraduate/careers_and_internships/science_internship_program/index.html

Description: The Science Co-op Program is a cooperative education opportunity for undergraduate Science & Basic Medical Science students. In this program students complete paid, career-related co-ops. They work full-time for 12 to 20 months over the course of the program, structured in 4-month increments, including an optional 4-month summer term after year 2 and up to 16 months between year 3 and year 4. Co-ops can involve Research & Development, Troubleshooting, Product Development & Scaling up, Management Systems support, Quality Assurance, and much more. As with a traditional co-op degree, graduation is delayed by one year while the student acquires marketable skills and work experience. Students must be returning to a full-time term at Western Science following their final co-op work term.

Master of Data Analytics

Length: Minimum of 500 hours (no maximum)

Paid or unpaid: Typically Paid

Commitment: Full-time (35+ hours)

Start date/End date: Summer term (May onward)

Contact: Juli Bramham | Phone: 519-661-2111 x84379 | email: jcuthber@uwo.ca

Website: http://uwo.ca/mda/


Data analytics is inherently interdisciplinary. The foundation for descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics lies in a set of tools and techniques from Statistics and Computer Science, as well as from the intersection of these two fields.

The Master of Data Analytics (MDA), a one-year professional science master's program, equips students with a set of highly sought-after, interdisciplinary technical data analytics skills, approaches and experiences, and prepares them for an analytics-focused career. Following two intensive academic terms, students complete an experiential learning term which is a required part of the degree program.

Master of Environment and Sustainability

Faculty: Interdisciplinary

Length: Minimum of 14 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 35-40 hours per week

Start date/End date: May/August

Contact: Pamela Doxtator | Phone: 519-661-2111 x82807 | email: pamela.doxtator@uwo.ca

Website: https://www.uwo.ca/mes/employers/index.html


The Master of Environment and Sustainability (MES) program at Western University is an innovative, one-year, accelerated graduate program that requires the completion of one four month (minimum of 500 hours), summer work term for the successful completion of the degree. This is an interdisciplinary program. Students enroll with various degree backgrounds including Science, Engineering and Social Science.

Core Courses include:

  • Building Sustainable Business
  • Engineering Solutions
  • Planning and Management
  • Ecosystem Health
  • Foundations of Sustainability
  • Interdisciplinary Consulting Project

Professional Development Workshops include:

  • Change Management
  • Sustainable Buildings
  • Waste Management
  • GHG Accounting and Reporting
  • Professional Writing

Master of Management of Applied Science

Length: Minimum of 500 hours (no maximum)

Paid or unpaid: Typically Paid

Commitment: Full-time (35+ hours)

Start date/End date: Summer term (May onward)

Contact: Juli Bramham | Phone: 519-661-2111 x84379 | email: jcuthber@uwo.ca

Website: http://www.uwo.ca/professionalmasters/science/mmasc_degree/industry_partnerships/index.html


The Master of Management of Applied Science (MMASc) is a twelve-month, comprehensive professional degree program jointly offered by the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Social Science, and the Faculty of Arts & Humanities. The MMASc program focuses on providing students with science-based undergraduate degrees with essential business and communications skills required to succeed wherever their future may take them. The MMASc program creates business-ready graduates with a hybrid set of skills that are ready to add value to a broad range of organizations across science-rich industries.

The only one of its kind in Canada, MMASc graduates enhance their professional skills and networks through course work and an experiential learning opportunity in preparation for a successful career in industry. The experiential learning term follows two intensive academic terms and is a required part of the degree program.

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentisty

Master of Public Health

Faculty: Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Length: 12 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Unpaid

Commitment: 35 hours per week

Start date/End date: May/July

Contact: Courtney Hambides | Phone: 519-661-2111 x86307 | email: publichealth@schulich.uwo.ca

Website: http://www.schulich.uwo.ca/publichealth/practicum/host_a_student.html

Description: The Master of Public Health Program works to connect our students with valuable practicum opportunities within the field of public health. Public health organizations are welcome to contact us to discuss hosting a practicum student.

The objective of the MPH practicum is to ensure that students acquire the ability to translate their public health knowledge into practice. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate their preparedness and ability to address complex public health issues and demands in real life situations. The goal of the practicum is to provide students with an opportunity to gain exposure to public health in practice, interact with professionals in the field, and obtain hands-on experience working on a public health project.

The Master of Public Health includes the following courses: Principles of Epidemiology; Statistical Methods in Health; Sustaining Environmental Health; Health Promotion; Social Cultural Determinants of Health; Developing Healthy Communities; Issues in Global Health; Leading People and Organizations in Public Health; Indigenous Health; Public Health Policy; Managing Health Services; Community Health Assessment & Program Evaluation; Research for Health; Health Communications; Health Economics.

Faculty of Social Science

Management and Organizational Studies Internship Program

Faculty: Social Science

Length: 8 - 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Full-time

Start date/End date: May-September/ Prior to Following September

Contact: HireSocialSci@uwo.ca


Description: The DAN Management and Organizational Studies Program offers an Internship Program for those students interested in gaining practical experience in the industry. In this program, students spend 8 to 16 months working in industry between completion of their third year and commencement of their fourth year.

Areas of Study:

  • Accounting
  • Commercial Aviation Management
  • Consumer Behaviour (Marketing)
  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Public Administration

Social Science Internship Program

Faculty: Social Science

Length: 4 months, 8 - 16 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: Full-time (32+ hours/week)

Start date/End date: See Timelines & Recruitment

Contact: HireSocialSci@uwo.ca



The Faculty of Social Science is committed to intellectual inquiry that uncovers problems and solutions that affect the human condition. We produce new and innovative research and teach students the knowledge and skills necessary to make a difference across industries in the private, public, and non-profit sectors.

The Social Science Internship Program allows undergraduate students registered at main campus the opportunity to accept full-time, paid (hourly or salaried), degree or career-related internships for course credit. These students can join your organization for short (10 - 16 weeks) or long (8 - 16 month) work terms.

Areas of Study:

  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Geography and Environment
  • History
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Management & Organizational Studies
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Urban Development

Master of Arts in Public History

Length: 6 or 12 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Preferably Paid

Commitment: 35-40 hours per week

Start date/End date: May/August

Contact: Michael Dove | Phone: 519-661-2111 x84996 | email: mdove2@uwo.ca

Website: http://history.uwo.ca/public_history/internships/index.html

Description: We are Canada's oldest Public History program, an intensive 12-month MA that explores how history is understood by and communicated to the public, whether at museums, archives, historical sites and national parks, in films, fiction, or on the web, in policy making, historical consulting, and in academic teaching and research. The objectives of the internship are to: provide students with the opportunity and experience of applying theory to real-life public history work settings; allow students to work and learn under the mentorship of experienced and knowledgeable professionals; and enable students to continue to develop both hard and soft/transferable skills to better prepare them for a career in public history.

This program is approved by the federal government’s Public Service Commission

Master of Arts in Research for Policy and Evaluation Internship Program

Faculty: Social Science

Length: 12-16 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 30-40 hours per week

Start date/End date: May/August

Contact: Dr. Michele Manocchi | Phone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 87961| email: mmanocc@uwo.ca;

Website: https://nest.uwo.ca/graduate/internship_program.html

Description: As employers from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors you are invited to create internship opportunities for our students (MA in Research for Policy and Evaluation) in order to:

  • Support your decision-making processes with evidence and research results.
  • Utilize an expert to design a specific research project and/or collect, analyze, interpret, and communicate qualitative and quantitative research results.
  • Develop, enhance, and/or evaluate a specific project, program, or policy.
  • Review, assess, improve, or adapt your policies and programs to new situations.

Master of Financial Economics

Faculty: Social Science

Length: 10-16 weeks

Paid or unpaid: Paid

Commitment: 35 hours per week

Start date/End date: May/August

Contact: mfe@uwo.ca

Website: http://economics.uwo.ca/MFE/

Description: The Western Master of Financial Economics (MFE) is a 16-month, course based graduate program which includes a summer internship. This collaborative program includes the Department of Economics, the Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, the Ivey Business School, and the Faculty of Law. These academic units have joined forces to provide MFE students with a broad understanding of Financial Theory and the Economics framework upon which that theory is based, as well as the understanding of Quantitative Finance and Securities Law, required for today's complex financial world. Graduates pursue careers in a variety of industry areas including risk management, financial modelling, investor and treasury services, and portfolio management.

Courses linked to:

  • Capital Markets
  • Economics
  • Financial Modelling
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Treasury & Wealth Management

Western Continuing Studies

Continuing Studies Practicum

Faculty: Western Continuing Studies

Length: 4 months

Paid or unpaid: Paid and Unpaid

Commitment: 560 practicum hours (400 hours for Clinical Trials Management)

Start date/End date: varies by program

Contact: Ashleigh Lerch, Work Integrated Learning Coordinator | Phone: 519-661-2111 x85317 | email: ashleigh.lerch@uwo.ca


Description: The practicum is the final term in each post-degree diploma program, allowing students to apply what they have learned and easing the transition from degree to career. Practicums are offered in the following programs: